Boro Neem Talcum Powder

“Nimson Boroneem Talcum Powder” is a blend of Santara, Gulab, Tulsi, Neelgiri, Tea tree, naturally occurring Minerals & other important ingredients to control harmful effects occurring due to excessive perspiration in summer season.

Regular use helps soothe & heal skin from sunstroke, excessive sweating during summers & minor skin allergies, prickly heat, irritation, itching & offensive body odor.

To Know More about Product: Boro Neem Talcum Powder

How to Use Turmeric for Beautiful Skin

When you think of turmeric, a tasty curry dish might come to mind, but hold that thought! Turmeric is not only delicious; it’s also great for your skin!

Turmeric is a spice used mainly in Asian cooking, specifically Thai and Indian cuisine. You’re probably familiar with the Indian spice mix called curry. Turmeric plays a big role in that spice mixture, and it’s also present in yellow mustard. Turmeric is bright orange-yellow in color, with a light, complementary taste and smell. But just like many of nature’s amazing natural ingredients, it has valuable skin benefits as well! Indian women in particular have been using turmeric as a skin care ingredient for centuries.

You can easily find this spice in any grocery store spice aisle. Just make sure it is 100% turmeric with no additives.  You can also easily order turmeric online via Amazon if you want.

Skin Benefits


Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce redness from blemishes and calm rosaceous, and the antibacterial properties disinfect the skin and combat acne.

It also reduces the appearance of dark circles.

Turmeric known for its amazing ability to reduce acne and the dark marks that remain on the skin once acne clears. People with oily skin or acne scars who use turmeric on a regular basis can expect a noticeable improvement in the quality of their skin. Turmeric is also said to heal wounds.  In addition, turmeric is an antioxidant that fends off free radicals that cause premature aging and sun damage, and it can also help to correct an uneven skin tone. Many people who use turmeric skin treatments find their skin looks so good that they stop using foundation altogether. Some people swear by the turmeric cream called Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream for clearing up their skin and calming it as well.  You can also find turmeric in Juara Turmeric Antioxidant Radiance Mask which can be used once or twice a week for glowing skin.

In addition to being used as a spice and a beauty product, turmeric is also used as a dye, and some people use it as an all-natural self tanner. Before you slather yourself in the stuff, know that very few skin tones match turmeric perfectly. If you have light skin especially, it will probably temporarily stain your skin, while other skin tones might get a radiant glow. Don’t let it scare you, though. If you’re apprehensive about trying a treatment, apply it before bed.  Of course, as with any home remedy, you should consult your doctor before using this treatment.


How to Make a Turmeric Face Mask:

If you regularly make your own skin care treatments, try adding a bit of turmeric to your favorite face mask recipe, or you can make your own turmeric face mask:

Heat up a teaspoon of raw honey in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.

In a dish, combine the honey with a teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of milk or Greek yogurt.

Wash your face, pull your hair back and apply the mask to your face using your fingers or a spoon. Be careful applying the mask, as turmeric can stain.

Let the mask dry and harden for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Rinse the mask off with warm water.

This turmeric mask will help clear and smooth your skin, minimize your pores and make your skin appear fuller and plumper. If the turmeric stains your face, simply wipe it off with a facial toner.

Turmeric Drink – Glowing Skin from The Inside Out

Another way to get skin benefits from turmeric is to make a drink from the spice. This way you can help your skin from the inside out.  This recipe comes from Dr. Andrew Weil:

  • Boil two cups of water
  • Add half a teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • Stir and then cover
  • Allow to simmer for 10 minutes
  • Filter through a tea strainer

You can drink this cold or hot.  Add a sweetener like honey if you want or add a piece of ginger root.

Source: skincare about

The Tea Tree Skin “Miracle” – The 7 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has become a popular natural ingredient in all kinds of shampoos, face soaps and ointments because of its amazing healing powers.


  • This skin miracle comes from Australia, where over 300 species of tea trees naturally grow.
  • Aboriginal tribes in Australia have known of the tea tree’s healing qualities for thousands of years.
  • They boiled the leaves of the tea tree to make tea and antiseptic poultices that treated cuts, wounds, and skin infections.
  • One legend even describes a magical lagoon where native people bathed to heal their burns, cuts, and skin disorders. Tea trees surrounded the pool, and the fallen leaves created a natural healing bath.
  • But you don’t have to travel all the way to Australia to get the benefits of the tea tree.
  • It’s widely available now as an essential oil, and it treats a variety of conditions!

Tea Tree: Skin Treatment

Tea tree has so many anti-viral and anti-fungal benefits that the Australian army puts it in soldiers’ first aid kits. Now, you can use tea tree oil in a variety of ways, especially to heal your skin.

Tea Tree Oil Can Benefit the Following Skin Conditions:


  • Ring worm and athlete’s foot
  • Softens corns
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Itching of insect bites and chicken pox
  • Warts
  • Acne
  • Dandruff

In fact, tea tree oil may be a better alternative to conventional skin treatments.

Tea tree oil is an excellent treatment for acne. One study found tea tree oil to be just as effective as benzoyl peroxide, but without the negative side effects like redness and peeling. Tea tree oil can also treat minor wounds, encourage healing, and prevent infection, so you may want to add this versatile oil to your own first aid kit!

Besides Improving Your Skin, Tea Tree Oil Has All Kinds Of Other Health Properties, Including:

  • May help reduce fevers and end headaches
  • Pain reliever
  • Treats lice
  • Can help lower blood pressure
  • Helpful for infections including vaginitis, sinusitis, cystitis
  • Anti-viral and anti-candida


Tea tree essential oil is a potent healer, especially 100% pure tea tree oil. Keep in mind that many essential oils on the market (even those sold in health food stores) have potentially toxic extenders. (Labeling laws allow manufacturers to use up to 50% chemical extenders and still say they are 100% pure.)

You can use tea tree oil in the following ways:

Directly on your skin in the area affected. For cuts and sores, add 1-2 drops to targeted areas.

Mixed with a carrier oil. Mix 3 – 5 drops with a carrier oil and apply to skin after a bath or shower.You can make your own Body Ecology friendly carrier oil by using a lightly scented oil like almond oil that is unrefined and organic.

A household cleaner. Add to water and vinegar for a non-toxic household cleaner.

Treatment for lice and dandruff. Rinse your hair with warm water and 2 drops of tea tree oil to control lice and dandruff.

Healing bath. Add 6 drops to your bath water for a soothing soak.

Diffused. Using an essential oil diffuser, tea tree oil may be diffused into the air, creating a medicinal antiseptic.

Tea tree essential oil is an amazing tonic for your skin and can support your health in so many other ways, so if you experience skin conditions and also for cuts, etc., Body Ecology recommends always keeping some on hand.

Source: bodyecology

Strawberries for a Healthy Skin

Fruits have innumerable benefits when it comes to skin care. Not only eating them is beneficial but applying them as scrub, mask or facial has remarkable effects on any skin type.

One of the most effective fruits one can find in an orchard is the luscious red wonder berry — strawberry. Delectable and yummy, it is a favourite of both grown-ups and kids. If used regularly, strawberries can work wonders in giving your face a shine and healthy glow. Here are a few methods in which you can use strawberries to get the most out of it:


Boost your complexion

Beauticians have found out that the juice of this berry is rich in skin lightening and also cures blemishes and acne marks effectively. Mash three to four strawberries in a bowl and filter the juice with a clean muslin cloth. Apply the juice all over he face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Use this mask thrice a week to reap the best benefits. It also reduces sun damage and minimizes the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.

Treat acne

Mix half a cup of sliced strawberries with a spoon of sour cream. Mix it well. Apply the mixture as a mask and leave it on for 10 minutes. Since this berry has cleansing properties and contains salicylic acid, it helps in removing dead cells from the skin. It also tightens the pores and prevents further break outs. Strawberries have been hailed for their effectiveness in removing impurities and are thus, used in a lot of face washes as an active ingredient.

A great toner

Grind a handful of strawberries and extract the juice. Add two tablespoon of this juice to 100 ml of cold rose water. Apply it with a cotton ball all over your face before going to bed. This is a great toner for every skin type. For best results, do it daily and do not follow it with any night cream. The best thing about this homemade mix is that you can store it for 15 days in the refrigerator.

A strawberry scrub for a youthful skin

Take five to six strawberries and add two tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Mash the strawberries in a way that the seeds remain. Do not do off with the seeds. Add around three drops of warm water to the mixture. Massage your skin with the mixture for 10 minutes in circular and semi-circular motion. Then wash off with cold water. If done thrice a week, this scrub results in a youthful and glowing skin.

Strawberry milk mania

Two great ingredients come together to gift you flawless skin. Take three strawberries and add seven spoons of milk. Crush them in a blender and use the mixture on your face as a mask first thing in the morning. You will not need any cream to pull you through the day. An easy-to-do mask, this is helpful for people with a dull and tired-looking skin.

Strawberry and carrot juice cleanser

Mix a cup of strawberry juice with a cup of fresh carrot juice. You can replace your usual cleanser with this excellent homemade one. For people with oily skin, this cleanser can be a saviour.

Source: TOI

Amazing Benefits and Use of Shikakai for Hair

Natural herbs are considered best to use in hair care. Like herbal shampoos, hair wash, hair packs etc. One such herb that is widely used and gives extremely amazing result for hair is shikakai. Basically we use Shikakai fruit pods that contain tiny seeds that we throw away. Other than that shikakai has various benefits and its plant’s bark and leaves are also used. You can get shikakai from the market in powder or dried fruit form. Shikakai can be used as a hair wash, herbal shampoo or even hair pack to get rid of various hair related problems. Let’s see what the benefits of shikakai are first before starting off with the uses of shikkakai.


Benefits of shikakai for hair care

Shikkakai usually doesn’t lather much until it is mixed with reetha which is also called as soapnut but still shikakai effectively cleanses the scalp and hair. It can be considered as a mild hair cleanser which is good for dry scalp as it doesn’t take away too much of the natural oils from the scalp.

  1. Shikakai for Shine and softness

Shikakai adds shine to the hair and hair looks much softer. When the shikakai powder is used as a hair pack or as a hair cleanser, it makes the hair softer, which detangles the hair easily. After the wash shikakai also adds subtle shine to the hair.

  1. Shikakai for Dandruff

Shikakai has anti-fungal properties and other nutrients to nourish the scalp. This is why shikakai helps reducing the dandruff infection from the scalp and nourish the dry itchy scalp simultaneously. Regular use of shikakai will soon help treating dandruff from the scalp.


  1. Shikakai for Stronger, thicker hair

Shikakai is also used to make hair roots stronger and healthier. Use shikakai as a mild hair cleanser, hair pack or as infused with the oil. Boil some dried shikakai in coconut oil and use that oil to massage the scalp. This is a good remedy to strengthen the hair.

Uses of Shikakai

  1. Use of Shikakai as Shampoo:

Shikakai can be used to make Homemade shikakai shampoo. The recipe of this Shikakai shampoo is very easy. It is natural and devoid of chemicals.

Soak some dried Shikakai pods, some Reetha (soapnut) and dried amla in water at night and the next morning, Boil that water till the pods gets softer enough to be mashed with hands. Let it cool and strain the mixture. Use the water as shampoo to clean the scalp. It may not lather like the store bought shampoos but is mild and very natural. You can also take powder of these three so that it will not take a lot of time to boil it or keeping it overnight. Read the complete recipe of Ayurvedic shampoo preparation at home.

  1. Use of Shikakai as Hair Pack:

Shikakai can be used as a hair pack as well. Hair packs with shikakai are extremely beneficial for the treatment of dandruff and other scalp related problems as we mentioned in the benefits of shikakai. For the hair pack, you will need dried shikakai or shikakai powder, neem leaves, fenugreek powder and some dried amla. Boil all of them in a cup of water. Boil them for 15 minutes and then let it cool. Mash the contents with hands and strain the water. Use that water to massage the scalp and hair. Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse off with plain water.

Shikakai is indeed great way to achieve beautiful, stronger, healthier hair.

Source: tipsandbeauty

Benefits of Coconut for Hair

We have been listening to our mothers and grandmothers praising the oil’s amazing properties right from the time we were kids. But then, how many of us are actually aware of the wide array of benefits it offers?

That is what this post is all about – the numerous ways the humble coconut oil can do your hair good.


Coconut Oil

In simple terms, coconut oil is nothing but the fatty oil obtained from the flesh of the coconut. This oil is used in cookery and in cosmetic products.

One of its prominent USPs is the way it can benefit your hair. This is why the oil is a favorite in numerous households when it comes to maintaining hair health.

Most of us just know that coconut oil is good for hair. But what we don’t know is the ways in which it can be beneficial.

Following are the numerous benefits coconut oil can offer to your hair.

  1. Treats Hair Loss:

This is the single-most common problem that has been plaguing humanity for ages. But coconut oil has always been a natural and handy remedy for the condition.

The oil has been used since ancient times in India for grooming hair and maintaining its health. It has also been combined with other herbs to make various remedies for hair fall.

You can ideally boil sage leaves in coconut oil and apply the mixture to your scalp for improving hair health. This oil can also be mixed with lime water or gooseberries for desirable results.

  1. Offers Cooling Effects:

Applying coconut oil to your scalp can give you an amazing cooling effect. It can be very much beneficial for people who suffer from severe scalp sweating. Coconut oil enhances scalp health and keeps your hair well nourished.

  1. Helps Treat Dandruff:

Dandruff can be a very embarrassing problem – and you never know how effective all those so called ‘dandruff control’ shampoos you see on TV are. This is where coconut oil comes to the rescue.

The various fatty acids coconut oil contains act as effective anti-dandruff agents, thereby helping you cope with the condition. Regularly applying coconut oil can help eliminate dandruff forever.

You can also mix coconut oil with lukewarm water and castor oil in order to cure dandruff.

  1. Offers Protection From Lice:

These tiny pests on your scalp can cause you great embarrassment and misery. Most of the OTC products that claim to offer protection from lice can also damage the scalp and hair. But that wouldn’t be the case when you have coconut oil handy.

Simply coat wet hair with coconut oil and use a fine comb to remove the lice.

  1. Retains Moisture:

Moisture retention is one of the best ways coconut oil ensures your hair health. The oil has high moisture retaining capacity as it is stable and cannot be easily broken down or evaporated.

It retains the moisture in your hair – keeping it moist and soft.

  1. Prevents Hair Damage:

Coconut oil plays a major role in reducing protein loss, both from damaged and undamaged hair. The oil is rich in lauric acid and easily penetrates the hair shaft, thereby keeping a check on hair damage.

Damaged hair is also brittle due to the lack of natural proteins. Coconut oil contains these hair proteins in abundance, and provides nutrition to the hair follicles.

You can slightly warm the oil and apply to the scalp and hair, working from the top to the bottom. Leave the oil undisturbed for an hour, and then rinse with shampoo (make sure the shampoo doesn’t contain harsh irritants).

  1. Treats Boils:

Boils on the scalp can be irritating. These may occur in winters or even in summers due to excessive sun exposure. Keeping the hair and scalp clean is a must to prevent boils. Occasionally massaging your hair with a mixture of coconut and olive oils can also prevent and treat boils.

But if the problem persists, it’s always better to consult your doctor.

  1. Treats Split Ends:

The most common piece of advice anybody having hair with split ends would get is this – cut them! But if the problem occurs only on a few strands, you can use coconut oil to treat it. Simply massage your hair with a mixture of coconut and almond oils for a few minutes – this helps minimize split ends.

  1. As a Conditioner:

The best thing about coconut oil is that it is natural and free of those scary chemicals lurking in commercial hair care products. The presence of minerals, vitamins and medium-chain fatty acids make it an ideal substitute to a leave-in conditioner.

Apply some warm coconut oil to your hair at night, and rinse it off the next morning. Do this every few days for healthy,
shimmering and strong hair.

  1. Can Be Used For Styling

Coconut oil melts on heating, and condenses on cooling – this is the reason it can be used as a styling agent. When you apply it on the scalp, it spreads evenly due to the heat. Afterwards, when the oil comes in contact with hair, it condenses and works as a styling gel.

Coconut oil can be used for detangling as well. Smooth a small amount of the oil through your hair, giving special attention to the tangled areas and damaged ends, to get tangle-free hair.

Source: Stylecraze

Protein is Important for Beautiful Skin, Hair and Nails

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see soft, supple, radiant, glowing, blemish-free skin? Or do you see age spots and new wrinkles?

The skin is the first “aging” sign we tend to see in ourselves. We all want to find ways to keep our skin beautiful, soft, and, we hope, wrinkle free. We will each get some wrinkles, but nobody wants them prematurely!

My mother, Gladys Lindberg, had the most beautiful skin for her age of any woman I have ever seen. She far surpassed the “beauty experts” and “movie stars” in her beauty and grace.



At age 85 she had a clear, peachy complexion and was virtually wrinkle free! She had no patchy “age” spots or blemished skin. She never smoked and avoided the sun whenever possible. This was natural beauty. Mother started her quest for health when she was 43 years old. She said her skin was blotchy and never radiant, but her program drastically changed the quality of her skin.

Important advice for skin health


A woman recently came into our store looking for a “magic formula” for her deeply wrinkled skin. She was only in her mid-40s, but said her skin had changed drastically over the past months. Being quite disturbed about the situation, she came to me wanting “that miracle cream.”

I talked to her for a few minutes and discovered that she had been on a severe reducing diet for several months. She had followed a diet low in protein, and over the course of those months had lost her skin tone. It had started to sag and wrinkle way beyond what would be normal for her chronological age. Most women want to be slim, but if you saw her, I’m sure you would agree, “not at that price!” Here are some things I told her that are important for healthy skin regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight or not.

Collagen – the skin’s “cement”

Elastic skin is a sign that a person has ample collagen, the strong cement-like material that binds together the cells of your body. Collagen is a structural tissue and it is replaced very slowly. It is made of fibrous protein. In fact, collagen comprises 30 percent of the total body protein. Its strong white fibers, stronger than steel wire of the same size, and yellow elastic networks, called elastin, form the connective tissue that holds our body together. Collagen strengthens the skin, blood vessels, bones, and teeth. It is the intracellular cement that holds together the cells in various organs and tissues. Collagen is one of the most valuable proteins in the human body. A person who has been sick, or who has been on an extremely low-protein diet, very often sees the muscles in his or her arms and legs begin to sag, which is a sign that they have probably lost collagen.


Start with protein

The building blocks of protein are amino acids. When protein is eaten, your digestive processes break it down into amino acids, which pass into the blood and are carried throughout the body. Your cells can then select the amino acids they need for the construction of new body tissue, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and blood cells.

There are 22 different amino acids, each of which has its own characteristics, and are like the letters of the alphabet. The eight essential amino acids are like the vowels. Just as you cannot make words without vowels, so you cannot build proteins without these essential amino acids. Protein is not one substance, but literally tens of thousands of different substances. The essential amino acids must be consumed in the diet because the body does not make them.

The complete proteins that contain the eight essential amino acids come from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk — all dairy, cheese and soy. They are basically anything that comes from the animal. Nuts and legumes (peas and beans) contain some but not all of the essential amino acids; these are known as incomplete proteins.

In various combinations, all of these amino acids are capable of forming an almost limitless variety of proteins, each serving its own purpose.


Proteins are necessary for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue. Every cell needs protein to maintain its life. Protein is also the primary substance used to “replace” worn-out or dead cells:

Most white blood cells are replaced every ten days.

The cells in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and blood platelets are replaced every four days.

Skin cells are replaced every 24 days.

More than 98 percent of the molecules in the body are completely replaced each year!

Your muscles, hair, nails, skin and eyes are made of protein. So are the cells that make up the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, nerves, brain and your sex glands. The body’s most active protein users are the hormones secreted from the various glands — thyroxin from the thyroid, insulin from the pancreas, and a variety of hormones from the pituitary — as well as the soft tissues, hard-working major organs and muscles. They all require the richest stores of protein.

How much protein a day?

Many opinions differ on the amount of protein needed in the diet. Some experts suggest very low amounts; some suggest much higher amounts, especially if body building. I have found with my nutritional counseling that most people consume a very low protein diet, especially if they tell me they are tired all the time. When I have them increase their protein during the day, usually with protein shakes, it is amazing how much better they start to feel.

The following protein requirement chart is to be used only as a guideline for determining your protein requirement. You may need more, or you might be able to get by with slightly less. Your requirement depends on your percent of body fat, your weight and the physical activity you do. The higher your activity level, the more you will need to increase your dietary protein intake to repair and rebuild muscle.

If you are undergoing any type of severe stress (including the stresses of cancer, burns, radiation exposure, or pregnancy), you need more. If you are susceptible to infections you may need more. Remember that antibodies, white blood cells, lymph cells, and everything our body uses to fight infections is made out of protein. I feel it is very important we look to the high side of these requirements.

Our calculations for this age group are based on the usual recommendation of one gram of protein per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of ideal body weight, for sedentary individuals. However, adding 20 grams of protein to the above recommendation as a safety margin will ensure getting enough protein. Pregnant women should add an additional 20 grams, and nursing mothers should add 40 grams of protein to the above recommendation. If you are physically active, exercising every day, figure one gram of protein per pound of lean (your ideal) weight.

Three ounces of chicken yields approximately 20 grams of protein; one half cup of water-packed tuna contains 28 grams; eight ounces of low fat, plain yogurt has 12 grams. One egg provides six grams. An eight-ounce glass of low-fat milk has eight grams. Remember, there are excellent protein powders that are alternatives to traditional protein foods.

We need to remember there is a balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates that Mother and I have basically taught. It is important to eat five times a day and include some form of protein at each meal or feeding. We have found this program has helped more people look and feel their best. This may be ideal for most people, but remember, we are “biologically different.”

In our nutritional program I recommend a variety of complete protein foods including fish, chicken, low-fat dairy, eggs, some red meat, quality protein powders, and nutritional yeast. Also consume an ample supply of various fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes which are complex carbohydrates and include the essential fatty acids. A strict fat-free diet is not healthy for your skin. My approach is this: You are not made of lettuce leaves. Your body is made of protein which is essential for almost every cell in your body, especially your hair, skin and nails.

Recognizing deficiencies related to protein deficiencies in hair, skin and nails

Puffy bags under the eyes, especially in the morning, may indicate a lack of protein.

Water retention. General puffiness around the eyes, as well as swollen ankles, face, and hands, can result from a protein deficiency.

Nails are made of protein, not calcium as some think. A protein deficiency can be marked by split, extremely thin nails. Nails that fail to grow quickly lack protein.

The structure of the hair follicle is protein. There are eight amino acids that the body does not produce and which therefore must come from complete protein foods such as eggs, dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), soy, meat, fish, and fowl. Quality protein powders can fill this nutritional requirement for complete protein foods. It’s a great reason to use protein powders. Eat small meals often with protein at each meal.

L-cysteine and L-methionine are the sulfur amino acids that form “keratin,” which is the protein structure of hair. Studies have shown that supplementing with L-cysteine may prevent hair from falling out, as well as increase the diameter of the hair shaft. These amino acids have been found to increase hair growth by as much as 100 percent. These two amino acids are sold in your nutrition store, but egg yolk contains the highest amount of these two amino acids. Another easy way to add sulfur to your diet is to take MSM.

The value of protein

It’s important to understand the value of protein in our diet. Proteins are necessary for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue. Every cell needs protein to maintain its life. Protein is also the primary substance used to “replace” worn out or dead cells. Your muscles, hair, nails, skin, and eyes are made of protein. Those with thinning hair and too many wrinkles for your age, may lack protein. The basis for neurotransmitters in your brain, and the substances that form the body’s immune response against infection, is made from protein. The most active protein users of the body are all of the hormones.

Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body. In fact, if all the water was squeezed out of you, half of your dry weight would be protein. One third of this protein would be in your muscles, a fifth in your bones and cartilage, a tenth in your skin, and the rest in your other tissues and body fluids. Even 95 percent of your hemoglobin is protein.

Protein is the best nutrient to eat in order to maintain an even blood sugar level, because it is metabolized over a long period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose if need be. Now you have a better understanding why I keep emphasizing the value of protein. A quick and easy way to get more protein into your diet is to use a protein powder supplement.

Casein (milk protein)

is the predominant protein in milk. For example, the protein in cheese and cottage cheese is casein. Sometimes called calcium-caseinate, or sodium- or potassium-caseinate. It contains all the essential amino acids and is a good source of protein. It is very low in lactose. This slow digesting protein keeps you full longer since it must form a gel during digestion before it is absorbed. This slower transit time may extend the exposure to the protein in the intestines and may help increase absorption.

Egg protein (egg whites or egg albumen)

Egg protein used to be the gold standard against which all other proteins were measured, until whey protein became available. Egg white protein provides all twenty-two of the amino acids with a proper balance of essential amino acids. It’s an excellent protein source, but not very tasty compared to the milky taste of whey or casein. Some manufacturers add egg white powder to their protein powder to boost the quality of the protein. Egg white protein powder contains no cholesterol.

Soy Protein

Soy protein is processed from the soybean plant and most of the fat, fiber and carbohydrate has been removed. Since it is a vegetable product, it has no cholesterol. The amino acid profile is not quite as good as the other protein sources. Do not attempt to substitute soy flour for soy protein powder. The two are very different products. Soy flour must be heated for it to be assimilated by the body.

Soy is a nutritionally significant dietary source of isoflavones. These naturally occurring isoflavones are genistein, daidzein and glycitein. Recent human research suggests that these isoflavones are ideal for people of all ages, especially women concerned about bone health, those looking for an alternative to hormone replacement therapy and women experiencing menopausal symptoms. However there are differing opinions on soy and relief of menopausal symptoms. These isoflavones also work in conjunction with soy protein to lower cholesterol. Research has shown that 25 grams of soy protein a day, used as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Some brands use GMO soy, meaning it is from genetically modified soybeans. Most brands are switching to the more expensive non-GMO (non genetically modified) soy for this reason. Check your label and use the non-GMO brands.

In summary, different proteins offer varying advantages. I suggest you consume a variety of proteins and be sure to get adequate amounts for optimal health.

My favorite protein powders

Lindberg Protein Blend is a scientifically designed blend of five protein sources. It’s made with whey, milk and egg white protein, providing a blend of fast-release proteins for building muscle, and slow-release proteins to help suppress protein breakdown.

Source: nutritionexpress

8 Ways Petroleum Jelly Can Be Used For Beautiful Skin and Hair

If you swear by petroleum jelly to help keep your lips hydrated, here are a few innovative ways you can use it, other than as a lip balm.

Do you have a small bottle of petroleum jelly lying in your dressing table drawer at all times? A common ‘go-to solution’ for most beauty problems, petroleum jelly  is cheap and very effective. Here’s how petroleum jelly benefits your beauty.


If you want to get rid of chapped lips, all you need to do is apply a layer, albeit a thin one, of petroleum jelly twice a day. It will help keep your lips hydrated and moisturized while also giving your lips a natural sheen.

Moisturises cracked and dry feet and hands

Are you embarrassed of cracked hands and feet? Not only are they unsightly, but the condition also leaves your skin feeling dry and painful. However, petroleum jelly can help you flaunt those beautiful feet by taking care of your dry, flaky skin. Apply a good amount of it on your feet and hands every night. Once you are done applying a thin layer, cover your feet with socks to help intensify its moisturising effect. You will be surprised at how soft your skin will feel in the morning. (Read: 9 beauty benefits of curd or dahi for your skin and hair (Gallery))

Keeps fingers and cuticles spotless

Ladies, you can now achieve immaculately painted nails without worrying about getting paint all over your hand by applying petroleum jelly in and around your finger nails and on your cuticles. Your cuticles will not only remain moisturized with the jelly, it will also be nail-polish free.

Acts is a great base for home made exfoliators

Petroleum jelly is one of the main base materials for most DIY exfoliators. You will need to add salt and sugar to the jelly and apply a layer to your lips. This will help you get rid of dead skin cells. You can always use a soft toothbrush and make circular motions for soft lips and pink lips.

Gives your face a natural and healthy glow

You can always apply petroleum jelly for a dewy, fresh look. Apply the jelly with your fingertips to the top of your brow bones and cheek  bones to help accentuate those features naturally.

Smoothens split ends

A thin coating of petroleum jelly can also be applied to your hair to smoothen your split ends as well as flyaway hair. a small amount can go a long way; therefore, avoid massaging it into your hair.

Can give your legs a natural sheen

A layer of petroleum jelly can help make your legs shine during summer. Not only does it provide a natural sheen, it also keeps your legs moisturized for a long period of time.

Makes perfumes stay longer

By applying just a small amount of petroleum jelly to your pulse points – behind your ears, wrists, ankles and your knees – before spraying your favourite perfume on those areas can make it last longer. The jelly absorbs the scent and ensures your perfume lasts longer. Read: 5 beauty benefits of lime juice (Gallery).

How to use petroleum jelly

Lip gloss


You can make lip gloss from petroleum jelly by adding natural extracts to it. You can also add glitter for that extra sparkle. Mix the concoction of petroleum jelly, glitter and natural flavour well, pour it into a container and let it solidify.

Lip balm

Petroleum jelly can be used to prevent chapped lips. Just melt a small amount of jelly and place it in an empty container or chapstick and let it solidify. Apply it twice daily for best results.

4 easy ways to make natural lip balm at home)

Sugar lip scrub

If you suffer from chapped lips, you can always apply a mixture of petroleum jelly and sugar to your lips. After applying the mix, rub your lips together. Keep it on for some time before washing it off with water. Use a thin layer of jelly to moisturize the lips after. (Read: 5 beauty benefits of castor oil for your hair (Gallery).


For this, add black or brown eye shadow with petroleum jelly and then gently apply it on the eyes with a spare mascara brush.

Source: thehealthsite

20 Wonderful Benefits of Turmeric for Beauty and Health

Turmeric is a spice known in India as ‘haldi’ and it is derived from the roots of the curcuma longa plant. Native to South Asia, turmeric has been used in Indian cuisine for centuries and as an herbal remedy for many different ailments as well as being used as a dye and in cosmetics. Truly versatile spice turmeric is ingrained in Indian culture and here are twenty ways that you make use of what is known as the ‘Indian Saffron’:


  1. Use it to treat wrinkles

For an effective face mask that will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, mix turmeric, rice flour, yogurt and some avocado flesh into a fine paste and then apply to your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water and the mask will help tighten skin and reduce the fine lines on your skin.

  1. Treat dark circles under the eyes

Another one of fabulous benefits of turmeric for skin is that it can help you treat dark circles under eyes. Add a pinch of turmeric to a tablespoon of plain thick cream. Apply the mixture under your eyes and leave it on for 10 minutes and it will lighten any dark patches under your eyes.

  1. Reduce facial hair


You can also prepare a facial scrub with turmeric that will remove, and inhibit the growth of facial hair. Mix a pinch of turmeric with rice flour and water into a paste and apply to the face. After about a month of repeated use, facial hair will be reduced.

  1. Boosts the immune system

Another one of great health benefits of turmeric is that it can help boost the immune system. Turmeric contains a substance called lip polysaccharide, which stimulates the immune system. This, along with antibacterial properties and anti-fungal properties of turmeric, can help your body fight off infections like coughs, colds and flu.

  1. Helps to heal wounds

If you don’t have anything else at hand, sprinkle some turmeric on a wound and the antiseptic properties of the spice will fight off any infection and help the wound to heal more quickly.

  1. Treat cracked heals


The healing properties of turmeric can be a great help with cracked heels too. Make a paste of two teaspoons of turmeric mixed with some sweet almond or sesame oil. Apply to your heels and leave on for fifteen minutes and it will soften and soothe your skin.

  1. Treats dandruff

Applying a mixture of turmeric and coconut oil to your hair and scalp will improve the circulation in your scalp, fight the dandruff and nourish your hair. Apply and leave on for twenty minutes, then wash out thoroughly.

  1. Reduces cholesterol

Another one of wonderful health benefits of turmeric is that it can help reduce cholesterol levels. Research has shown that simply using turmeric as a spice in your food can help to reduce cholesterol levels, so check some recipe books for some delicious Indian cuisine ideas, and it will keep your cholesterol under control too!

  1. Relieves arthritis

The potent anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are ideal for relieving the symptoms of arthritis. It has been found that people who eat a lot of turmeric in their diet experienced a marked improvement in the pain in their joints.

  1. Quickly soothes and heals burns


Add a pinch of turmeric to some aloe vera gel and you will have a soothing balm for minor burns. The antiseptic properties of the turmeric will fight any infection and the burn will heal much better. (But make sure that you are not allergic to turmeric and aloe vera before using it.)

  1. Treat acne

Another one of good health benefits of turmeric is that it can also help treat acne. To treat acne, mix a pinch of turmeric with some sandalwood paste and apply to the affected area. The antibacterial properties of the turmeric will help to fight the bacteria that are often the main cause of the acne.

  1. Improves skin elasticity

Benefits of turmeric for skin are numerous, and here is another one: turmeric is believed to be of immense use in improving the elasticity and the youthful appearance of skin. Applied to the skin, as an ingredient in face masks, it is said to stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

  1. Lightens stretch marks

Mix a little turmeric into some yogurt and a little bit of lemon juice, and massage into your skin and it will lighten the appearance of any stretch marks and even out the skin tone.

  1. Control diabetes

Turmeric is very good at reducing insulin resistance and controlling glucose levels in the blood, which can help to prevent the onset of type-2 diabetes. You should, however, not take turmeric, if you are already taking medication for diabetes, because it so good at reducing glucose levels that the combined effect could cause hypoglycemia.

  1. Controls oily skin

Here’s a great recipe for controlling oily skin. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with pure sandalwood paste and a squeeze off fresh orange juice. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for ten minutes, before washing off with warm water and it will leave your skin fresh and oil free.

  1. A turmeric nighttime mask for healthier skin

You can make your own night mask by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with some natural yogurt. Massage the mixture onto your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Do this twice a week and you will find that your skin becomes much softer and healthier looking.

  1. Treats moderate hair loss

There is an active ingredient in turmeric called cur cumin, which is a very strong antioxidant known to be effective in fighting what is known as, TGF beta one, one of the causes of hair loss. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of honey with some plain yogurt and massage it into your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for fifteen minutes and then wash out.

  1. Reduce skin blemishes

One of the well known benefits of turmeric for skin is that it is often used to lighten dark spots and blemishes on the skin. Mix a little turmeric with some milk or plain yogurt and rub into your skin. Repeat this regularly and, after a while, you will see any blemishes begin to fade. This is also a good remedy, if you’ve overdone the self-tanning lotion!

  1. Use as a body scrub

Make a paste of a pinch of turmeric, rice flour, sugar and water and gently scrub your skin with it when you take a bath. This great homemade scrub will gently rub away any dead skin cells and the turmeric will help even out your skin tone.

  1. Use to treat chapped lips

A mixture of turmeric and yogurt will gently remove the dead and dried skin from chapped lips and the antiseptic qualities of the turmeric will help to heal them too.

Source: beautyandtips