Tea Tree Oil Uses: 13 Extraordinary Ideas

For years, people have used tea tree oil to help with skin ailments from acne to psoriasis. But its benefits don’t end there; find out even more reasons why tea tree oil deserves a permanent spot in your medicine cabinet.

If you’re looking for a home remedy for acne, a 5 percent solution of tea tree oil works just as well as the top drugstore acne remedy, benzoyl peroxide, according to Australian researchers studying their native resource. Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with 20 to 40 drops of witch hazel, and apply to skin once or twice a day with a cotton swab. Be careful to not overuse it: while gentler than benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil can dry out your skin, triggering your body to overproduce its own oils and make your acne worse. If you apply it to your face, stay out of the sun—tea tree oil can make you more sensitive to UV rays.

Use tea tree oil to remove makeup

For normal to dry skin, try mixing 1/4 cup canola oil with 10 drops of tea tree oil in a 4-ounce sterilized glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and shake until blended. Store in a cool, dark place. To use, saturate a cotton ball with the oil and sweep over your face to remove makeup. Rinse well with warm water and follow with a toner.

Use tea tree oil to soften dry cuticles

Coconut Jasmine OilThe essential oils in this rich, softening blend help to counter cracked and ragged cuticles. Tea tree oil is a proven fungus fighter, while lavender is anti-inflammatory and healing. You can find avocado and jojoba oil in health food stores, or you can substitute olive oil for either or both. • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil • 1 tablespoon avocado oil • 10 drops tea tree essential oil • 10 drops lavender essential oil Pour the jojoba and avocado oils into a small, dark-colored glass bottle, which will help preserve the oil. Then, add tea tree and lavender essential oils, screw on cap, and shake to combine. Before using the cuticle oil, shake the bottle well, then massage a few drops into your nails and cuticles daily to soften your cuticles and prevent them from splitting.

Use tea tree oil to soothe sores

Using a cotton swab, dab a single drop of tea tree oil, which is an antiseptic, directly on the sore. Avoid areas near your eyes and mouth.

Use tea tree oil to fight foot odor

The herbs and essential oils in this aromatic blend help to reduce sweatiness, fight odor, and leave feet fresh and clean. Rosemary and ginger stimulate circulation, and sage discourages perspiration: • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary • 1 tablespoon dried sage • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger root, finely grated, or 1 teaspoon dried powered ginger • 4 cups water, plus extra as needed • 1 tablespoon baking soda • 1 tablespoon Epsom salts • 10 drops tea tree essential oil • Small ice cubes or crushed ice Place rosemary, sage, and ginger in a large saucepan with water. Bring to a boil. remove from heat, cover, and steep for 10 minutes then strain. Add baking soda, Epsom salts, and tea tree oil. Mix well. Pour into a foot spa or shallowe basin big enough for both feet. Top with extra water and add ice. Soak feet for 15 minutes; pat dry. Follow with a dusting of fragrant foot powder.

Use tea tree oil to eliminate toenail fungus

In a study, participants applying 100 percent pure tea tree oil to nail fungus for a minimum of three months did as well at killing it as did that using prescription antifungal cream; 60 percent of both groups completely or partially eradicated their symptoms. Once or twice a day—every day—apply a drop or two of 100 percent pure tea tree oil to the discolored nail. Be careful not to apply tea tree to the skin, because undiluted tea tree oil may be irritating.

Use tea tree oil to relieve athlete’s foot

One study found that tea tree oil was as effective as an over-the-counter remedy for athlete’s foot for relieving burning, itching, inflammation, and scaling. Add a few drops to a tablespoon of witch hazel and apply to the affected area with a cotton swab three times a day. It can cause dermatitis (skin inflammation) in some people, so use sparingly the first time and don’t use further if a rash develops.

Use tea tree oil to treat the chicken pox

Blend a few drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and use a cotton swab to apply the oil to sores two or three times a day.

Use tea tree oil to reduce cold sores

Apply tea tree essential oil directly on the cold sore three or four times a day. However, tea tree oil is toxic, so avoid getting it in your mouth.

Use tea tree oil to banish jock itch

Rub a thin layer of the oil onto your skin twice a day—but dilute it first: Mix 10 drops into 2 tablespoons olive oil or witch hazel.

Use tea tree oil to relieve psoriasis

Rub a few drops of tea tree oil, diluted in a little olive oil, into your psoriasis patches several times a day. The Australian remedy is useful for relieving itch and softening plaques, especially if you have a mild case.

Use tea tree oil to treat yeast infections

Studies have found that tea tree oil disrupts the membranes of yeast cells, and lavender kills Candida in a test tube. Mix them together and yeast doesn’t have a chance. Tea tree oil is toxic when swallowed, so don’t use this to treat oral infections. • 5 drops tea tree essential oil • 5 drops lavender essential oil • Distilled water Mix the tea tree and lavender oils with a few drops of distilled water. Using a cotton swab, dab the blend on the affected parts of

Use tea tree oil to zap boils

Tea tree oil is highly effective against staph infections, even those that are antibiotic-resistant. Just dab a little on the boil several times a day.

Source: Reader’s Dugest

8 Surprising Benefits of Strawberries for Skin Care

When it comes to skin care, we have a wide range of fruits to make use of. Strawberries are one such healthy fruit with innumerable beauty benefits.

This tangy fruit is loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and other vital nutrients good for overall health as well. Not only eating a cup of strawberries is beneficial but including them in your skin care routine can show surprising effects.

We can use the strawberry pulp as a scrub, in facial, as a gel on any skin type and it work wonders in boosting your skin health. If used regularly, strawberries show remarkable effects on the skin.

Here Are Few Ways To Incorporate This Red Berry Fruit In Your Skin Care Routine:

No More Acne:

Acne is due to excess accumulation of sebum. A half cup filled with strawberry pulp and sour cream is the perfect way to get rid of embarrassing acne on your skin. Apply this mixture and clean your skin after few minutes. Regular application of this mixture shows amazing results since this tangy berry fruit has cleansing properties. Dead skin cells can be exfoliated and you can even prevent any further breakouts.

Glowing Complexion:

Acne left over marks and blemishes, when cleared off, gives you a bright skin complexion. The juice of strawberries plays a vital role in lightening skin, thanks to the ellagic acid in it. To reap the most of it, use the fresh strawberry juice on your skin. You can clean it off after it dries.

Protects Skin From UV Rays:

Ellagic acid and antioxidants in strawberries protect skin from the damaging UV rays. This is the reason why many products and treatments use strawberries for skin care.

A Great Scrub:

Strawberries act as a gentle scrub on the skin and foot as well. A cup of strawberry pulp along with the seeds and little honey added to it is an excellent scrub mixture to exfoliate dead cells. Gently massage your skin and lips with this homemade scrub. Strawberries have a higher concentration of alpha hydroxyl acid helpful in exfoliating off the dead skin cells. Strawberries help cleanse the pores and tighten the skin whereas honey acts as a moisturizing agent. Following this method thrice a week will give you a healthy skin and plump lips within few months.

Amazing Toner:

Toning is as essential as scrubbing and the juice extracted from strawberry acts as an amazing toner. Add rose water to this juice and apply it on your skin. This toner can be stored in the refrigerator for a week and can be used daily. It work wonders on any skin type and shows amazing results within a month.

Anti-ageing Tonic:

Ellagic acid in strawberries inhibits the destruction of collagen which might otherwise lead to wrinkle formation. Hence, to avoid wrinkles use strawberry pulp or juice in your face masks.

Goodbye Oily Skin:

Excess secretion of oil by the glands makes your skin look oily. This is when strawberries come to your rescue. Applying strawberry pulp on your skin directly or adding it to your face masks can help you get rid of oily skin. Rich in Vitamin C, strawberries nourish and remove the excess oil on the skin.

Treats Under-eye Puffiness:

Strawberries contain anti-inflammatory compounds. It helps treat under-eye puffiness and dark circles and give you the fresh look even after not having enough sleep the previous night. Apply the strawberry juice under the eyes and leave it for few minutes. You can also put two slices to your eyes and enjoy the cooling effect.

Source: findhomeremedy

Benefits of Using Shikakai for Your Skin

The enriching benefits of using shikakai on hair have been proved long ago and have made it a trusted natural product in Indian households. But very few know about its benefits on the skin.

In fact, shikakai works magically for the skin, too. Here are a few ways to use this wonder herb on your skin:

– Effective in treating scabies

You can use shikakai to treat skin ailments like scabies. To reap maximum benefits, you can make an antiseptic body wash using shikakai and turmeric. Soak raw turmeric in hot water and then grind it to make a paste. Burn shikakai pods till they turn black, grind them to form powder. Mix the turmeric paste and shikakai powder with milk. Strain and use as a body wash.

– Use shikakai to treat spots

Take half a teaspoon of shikakai powder and mix it with a tablespoon each of cream, almond powder and turmeric. Add two tablespoons of honey and use it as a body scrub. This mixture helps in eliminating dead cells and gives your skin a natural glow.

– To treat minor cuts and boils on your scalp

Burn shikakai pods, grind them. Mix with a teaspoon of neem powder, make a paste using cold water. Apply on summer boils to help them heal.

Source: TOI

How to Make Homemade Tulsi Leaves / Basil Leaves Face Packs

Basil leaves, which are also known as the Tulsi leaves in India, are wonderful leaves, which have medicinal properties. The beauty and the medicinal benefits of Tulsi are well known throughout the world. Tulsi can help treat skin that is prone to acne, and helps in eliminating the pimples. Here are some homemade face packs made with the Tulsi leaves.

One of the ancient plant that has been serving the medicinal needs to the people since ages is Tulsi. It is renowned as a holy plant to Indians and can be used to treat various skin and health problems.

Tulsi and curd face pack

This face pack is prepared easily at home to remove the dead skin cells and dryness.

  • Tulsi leaves powder
  • Curd

How to make

Pluck some tulsi leaves from the plant and dry them in the shade for three to four days. After that grind the leaves to make a fine powder. Mix one tablespoon of tulsi leaves powder with half tablespoon of curd and make it into a fine paste. Apply this paste on your face as a general pack and allow it to become dry. Rinse off with cool water and pat it dry.

Tulsi & honey face pack

  • 20-30 Tulsi leaves
  • Half tablespoon of besan powder
  • Few drops of honey

How to make

Take 20-30 tulsi leaves and grind them with the enough water, squeeze the paste and extract the juice from it. Add this juice with half tablespoon of besan powder and few drops of honey. Mix the ingredients all together and spread it on your face as a face mask. Let it sit for some time and then rinse off with warm water. The cooling affect of the tulsi leaves gives you a fresh feel and relaxes you.

  1. Tulsi & multani mitti face pack
  2. Two tablespoons of tulsi leaves powder
  3. One tablespoon of multani mitti
  4. One tablespoon of sandal powder
  5. 4-5 drops of rose water
  6. 4-5 drops of olive oil
  7. Few drops of water

How to make

Take a small bowl and add it tulsi powder, sandal powder, olive oil, multani mitti and rose water. Mix them well with your finger tips or spoon to make a smooth and spreadable paste. Apply this mask on your face and retain it for about 20 to 30 minutes. After that rinse off with cold water and pat it dry thoroughly. Prefer to try this face pack on the morning to stay fresh in the whole day. This face pack works on every skin with no questions and benefits to get the fresh and problem free skin.

Source: Beauty Health Tips

7 Amazing Olive Oil Benefits and Uses for Hair, Skin, Face & More

I have a ridiculous amount of olive oil in my house. To me, olive oil is like baking soda and vinegar: one of those wonder products I can’t live without.

I use olive oil with abandon in the kitchen (especially since it’s delicious and healthy for your heart too) but I also use it in several other rooms in the house on a regular basis.

To do what, you ask?

Well, olive oil has a lot of surprising uses. I know it’s not cheap, but the point here is that if you’re in a pinch, you can use olive oil instead of going out to the store to spend money on a commercial product.

By using it as a replacement for many other household products, you can save a significant amount of money. And if you’re trying to make your home more eco-friendly, using olive oil in place of many commercial products is a great first step.

Here are seven uses for olive oil around the house you may not know about.

Create Your Own Skin Moisturizers
I have a jar of homemade lavender-infused olive oil in my bathroom. I’ve found that olive oil makes the best moisturizer, especially during the dry, cold winter months. It soaks easily into your skin and doesn’t leave it feeling greasy. And if you soak herbs (like lavender, rosemary or mint) in the olive oil you’re left with a very subtle, delightful scent on your skin.

I even use olive oil on my face and it keeps it moist all day.

The biggest benefit here is that olive oil contains four different antioxidants, which help fight off the free radicals that cause aging and skin damage. So using olive oil on your face might be a better choice than other pricey, chemical-stuffed face lotions. Similarly, you can make your own natural green skin care products to get all of the benefits, and save money and the environment.

Polish Furniture
You don’t have to waste money buying a chemically-ladened jar of wood furniture polish. Just use olive oil. It works great and is much more eco-friendly.

Olive oil also works well for polishing silver and copper. I also use it to clean and season my cast-iron skillet (one of my favorite old-time kitchen gadgets).

Control Hair Frizz
I have thick, curly hair. And when the frizz factor kicks in, my hair transforms into a solar system around my head.

Olive oil works great for controlling frizz. But be careful! If you apply too much your hair is going to look greasy.

To get the right balance, pour just a few drops on your hand and rub them together once or twice to evenly distribute the oil. Lightly run your hands over your head to control the frizz. If you have curly hair, then you might find it helpful to just put the olive oil on your fingertips and go over curls individually.

You can also use olive oil as a deep treatment for dry or damaged hair. Comb one or two tablespoons through your hair, rubbing it in well. Then, toss on a showercap and let it sit for half an hour. Shampoo out and you’re good to go!

Ease Stuck Zippers
If your zipper is stuck, run a cotton swab soaked in olive oil along the metal teeth. It can help ease the zipper on down.

After Shave
Guys, you can use olive oil to shave and it makes a great after shave as well. Really. My husband never buys shaving cream anymore.

Fix Squeaky Doors
Don’t waste money on WD-40. Drizzle some olive oil on squeaky hinges and you won’t have to listen to it anymore.

Treat Diaper Rash
What did moms use for diaper rash before they could buy those baby items resembling white tubs of goo? Olive oil. It’s 100% safe and natural for your baby.

Source: moneycrashers

6 Amazing Benefits of Neem for Your Skin and Hair

It fights pimples, reduces dandruff and keeps skin supple. Read how to use it for your beauty.

If there is one herb which should be in your beauty cabinet, it is neem. Apart from its various health benefits, neem also has immense benefits for your skin as well as hair. Whether it is pimples, annoying blackheads, fine lines, dandruff, hair fall – look no further, neem can get rid of all these and more. Here’s how you should use neem to enhance your beauty.

Prevents skin infections

Neem leaves have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and hence they are quite effective on skin infections. They also soothe irritation and reduce inflammation without drying the skin.


Boil a few neem leaves till the time they turn soft.

You will notice the water turning green because of the discolouration of the leaves.

Strain this water and add some of it in your bath water.

Regularly taking bath with this water will help in keeping skin infections in-check.

Addresses acne problems

Almond & Olive Hair Oil Acne is a result of overactive sebaceous glands and the clogging of pores due to dirt and bacteria. Neem can come in handy as it not only keeps oil secretion in control but also fights any infection thereby clearing acne and preventing new ones.


First boil a few neem leaves in water (as explained before).

Dab a cotton ball in that water and then apply it evenly on your face.

You can also use a neem-cucumber face pack or neem-yoghurt face pack to keep a check on excessive oil secretion by sebaceous gland. If your skin is acne-prone, follow these useful tips.

Natural skin toner

When used regularly, neem works as an excellent agent to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. It works effectively on skin pigmentation as well. Strained neem water also helps in lightening acne scars and lesions caused due to skin conditions. It helps in firming the skin.


Boil neem leaves and strain the liquid.

Let it cool off and then apply it on your skin every night.

If you have oily skin, you can add a few drops of rose water to it and apply.

Wash your face in the morning for beautiful, soft skin.

Remedy for dry skin

A neem pack is quite effective in taking care of excessively dry skin. it has moisturising properties which help keep dry skin from getting rough and itchy.


Take some neem powder and add a few drops of grape seed oil in it.

Apply this evenly on your face and leave it on for a couple of minutes before you rinse it off with cold water.

Do this once or twice a week to see a difference. You could also try these home remedies for dry skin.

Reduces blackheads and large pores

Neem provides an effective remedy in tackling problems such as blackheads, whiteheads and large pores. To combat these problems, you will need to prepare a mixture of neem leaves and orange peel. You should also follow these expert tips to shrink large, open pores.


Pound the two to make a pulp.

Add a few drops of honey, soy milk and yoghurt to it.

It is recommended that you apply this face pack at least thrice a week to notice results.

If you only have blackheads, apply some neem oil on the affected area.

Keeps hair troubles at bay

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of neem come in handy while dealing with scalp conditions. Neem oil helps in hair growth and also fights dandruff.


Massage neem oil on your hair roots without breaking your hair strands.

This will take care of your hair thinning problems as well.

For dandruff control, apply a mixture of neem powder and water on your scalp

Leave it for an hour before you shampoo your hair.

If you are unable to find neem leaves, you can buy neem powder from any Ayurvedic store and use it instead of the leaves. If you are using neem leaves, make sure you wash them with plain water before boiling them to get rid of any dirt.

Source: thehealthsite

Amazing Benefits of Green Apples for Skin, Hair and Health

An apple fruit a day keeps the doctor away and it perfectly true even for green apples here we are gonna tell you about green apples and their various health benefits. Apples are one of the best and amazing fruits that nature has blessed us with. Green apples give a variety of health and beauty benefits mostly when we compared it with red apples.

Amazing Benefits of Green Apples for Skin, Hair and Health There are different types of apples the sweet ones (Red Ones) being the most common.

Green apples are more the sweet and sour to taste this is mostly used as cooking apples. Green apple not only tastes good but very useful for us. Green apples this fruit have glossy skin with a juicy flesh.

They are high in fiber and help keep the digestive system clean and healthy. Apples are the main source of flavonoids in the Western diet. Green apples have a lot of required nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers that every person should include it on a daily diet. Green apple are one of the healthiest fruits. Green Apples are also very helpful in lowering your blood cholesterol and BP, to stabilize blood sugar levels and improving your appetite.

Green Apples has lots of vitamin c than iron. to manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors advise to eat a diet rich in fiber. Taking green apples fruit in your daily diet can keep your look youthful and naturally without going for surgery or any Botox injection. Health benefits of green apples 1) Green apples are a High Fiber Content.

Green apple contains a lot of fiber which helps to clean the system and increases the metabolism and this helps in free bowel movement. we must eat an apple with its skin on. The cleaner your intestine and systems are the happier and healthier you will be. Green apples are good for digestion due to its High Fiber Content.

2) Silk Plus Olive & Oats Body Lotion Green apples has a lots of minerals. Green apples have lots of minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Potassium, Copper and Zinc which are important for human health and wellbeing.

Iron in apples helps in forming red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout your body and for creating energy from the food you eat. A medium apple contains .31 milligrams of iron.

Men and women over 50 should aim to consume at least 8 milligrams of iron everyday and women up to the age of 50 should consume at least 18 milligrams of iron every day.

3) Green apples are low in fat content. When it comes to weight watchers green apples are considered as best and great food. An Individual on diet or a gym person should have one apple in their daily diet. It also collects the fats in the blood vessels and keeps your proper blood flow to the heart and thus stop the chances of strokes.

4) Green apple prevent skin cancer. Green apple in your diet lessens the chances of developing skin diseases since it contain Vitamin C is very important for making new cells and clearing free radicals from your blood that might otherwise damage cells.

5) Amla Hair oilGreen apple are rich in Antioxidants. Green apples contain both flavonoid and polyphenol all forms of antioxidants. they can prevent (helps in reducing) various forms of cancer (risk of cancer ) and by not allowing DNA damage to occur. Antioxidants helps in cell re­building and cell rejuvenation. It also maintains the health of the skin by keeping the skin healthy and glowing.

6) Green apple prevents diseases like Alzheimers Alzheimer is disease that affects your memory and your behavior you must keep your health in condition. Green apple could keep diseases Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. So by having an apple daily stop the chances of old age neurological disorders like Alzheimer diseases. the health condition starts slowly and steadily gets worse as you grow older. Green apples help to boost your physical health and also your mental health.

7) Green apple prevents Asthma Asthma is a hypersensitive allergic disorder that causes difficulty to breath properly. Green apples has vitamins and minerals that strengthen your immune system thus helps your body fight off the allergy and allergy reactions. Individual who are suffering from asthma should take at least one green apple daily to boost their immune system and manage the condition. Green apples protects your body from cold, flu, and other recurring health conditions.

8) Green apple decrease your risk of diabetes. An apple a day could keep diabetes away. Women who eat at least 1 apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who dont eat it. Apples prevent diabetes you must have an apple for diabetics.

9) Green apple are rich in Vitamin A,B and C Green apples are rich in Vitamins A, B and C, so apart from protecting the skin from harmful effects of free radicals; it also helps one in maintaining glowing skin and healthy.

10) Green apple are a natural detoxifier Green apple are packed with fiber this green juice keeps your liver, kidney, and digestive system free from harmful elements and toxins. The fiber also ensures that you are free from constipation issues. The high fiber content in this apple juice helps in lowering the risk of developing colon cancer. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors advise to stay away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fiber in your diet.

11) Green apple boost your metabolic rate. Green apples are rich in fiber which helps to boost your digestion and bowel movement thus increases the metabolism. Fiber clear your digestive system and get rid of toxins in the body. Green apples have iron which raises the levels of blood oxygen and increase metabolic rate thus getting rid of any toxins in the blood stream. This ensures that all the parts of your body are functioning well and boost your overall health. This juice has a variety of minerals, including copper, iron, potassium and manganese. All these elements plays important role in keeping your health in good condition.

12) Green apple are good for liver. We are consuming toxins from drinks or food and our liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. One of the best things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruits like apples. Green apple juice has antioxidants in good quantities these antioxidants prevent the free radicals from damaging the liver. this keep your liver functions properly and keep it safe from various hepatic conditions. Green apples reduce liver problems and prevent digestive tract problems.

13) Green apple helps to lose weight there are many health problems mostly because of overweight the main problem among them are heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. You must manage your weight and also keep your overall health in good condition. Doctors advise a diet rich in fibre. Foods that are high in fibre will fill you up without costing you too many calories. Green apple are packed with fiber, low on fats, sugar, and sodium. when you have green apple juice you don’t feel hungry. it also improves the calorie burning potential which helps you to lose your weight in a tasty manner. Green apple has less cholesterol and is therefore useful for those losing weight.

14) Green apple protects us from inflammatory conditions Green apple has a lot of antioxidants the antioxidants present in it help us in safeguarding our body from oxidative stress induced painful inflammatory conditions like rheumatism and arthritis. Senior citizen who is suffering from inflammatory conditions should have green apple juice in their diet.

15) Green apple are also great and best for your lungs Our lungs are one of the most important organs in our body. Lung diseases are most common medical conditions worldwide. Respiratory ailments range from mild to life threatening and have diseases like asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and more. When we Regularly drink green apple juice it can reduce the risk associated with the onset of asthma by a good 23 percent.

Exercise, Not smoking, and by avoiding pollution are all simple ways for people to have a good lung health. Including Proper diet plays an important role in looking after our lung health. Apple this fruit are packed with nutrient. The flavonoids and variety of vitamins keep your respiratory function healthy and prevent the development of different lung diseases. Those who are regular smokers can rely on Green apple fruit to protect themselves from obstructive pulmonary diseases. Its also better to quit smoking.

16) Green apple these fruit are also good for your eye vision Green apple juice have various vitamins in it the Vitamin A present in this juice is known to strengthen and improve your eye vision. So you must have an apple juice to improve your eye vision.

17) Green apple are good for Blood Clotting Green apple juice is also a source of Vitamin K which helps the blood to coagulate and clot. Consumption of green apple helps to heal your wounds earlier. During Periods Women suffering from heavy bleeding can drink green apple juice to bring the bleeding undel.

18) Green apple contain minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium which are the main components for our bone development. These minerals help in strengthening the bone structure. Green apples also help us to improve the thyroid gland function and thus prevent from rheumatism.

By biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in our mouth and thus reduces tooth decay by reducing the levels of bacteria and this help us in making our teeth whiter and healthier.

19) Green apple protect us against Parkinson People who eat fruits and other high ­fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson it is a disease characterized by a breakdown of the brain dopamine producing nerve cells.

20) Green apple Prevent gallstones. To prevent gallstones doctors advised a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels. Gallstones are form when there are too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid so it solidifies.

21) Avert hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal and while not life threatening these veins are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas and can be very painful. Fibre can stop you from forcing too much when going to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids.

22) Prevent cataracts People who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants like apples are 10 to 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts. Green apple is plays an important role for our skin and for our hair also. For Our Hair

23) ) Green apple Treat cures and Prevent Dandruff Dandruff is caused by a buildup of dirt and dead skin cells. Dry scalp can also cause dandruff. More people are prone to dandruff. Having dandruff not only make us uncomfortable but it can also be embarrassing. Green apples are a natural remedy for dandruff. A paste made with the leaves and skin of green apple works wonders to get rid of dandruff. You should use this paste as a shampoo. Green apple juice also has the same effects if we massaged it regularly on the scalp. Green apple help to moisturize our scalp by giving our scalp with nutrients to keep it moisturized thus staying away from dandruffs. A head massage with green apple juice can help you moisturize and condition your scalp. You can also use shampoos made from green apple extract. by using these shampoos can help to fight off dandruff and give you healthy hair strands and scalp

24) Green apple enhances hair growth Hair plays an important role for our look both for men and women. Just like our other part of your body that needs nutrients, our hair also need nutrients to grow and become healthy. Green apple are packed with vitamins and minerals. Green apple juice acts as a natural remedy for strengthening your tresses. By regular using this juice it makes sure that our hair fall is under control(hair thinning), strengthening the locks, enhancing hair growth and preventing hair loss, promote hair growth. Green apple juice keep your hair long, strong, and lush. Green apples are rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium which play an important role in the development and formation of hair strands. For Our Skin

25) Fair & Gomarks Cream Green apple acts as a Anti ­Aging Ingredient and improves Skin Texture Green apples are a rich source of antioxidants which helps in rejuvenating skin and also rebuilding cells. The presence of Vitamins A and Vitamins C as well as phenol’s in green apple juice plays a major role in delaying premature aging. Free radicals present in the body cause the early onset of wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots. An antioxidant rich drink helps our body to fight from these free radicals to keep it on control and make it better, eliminate the damages. Green apples are also rich in vitamins which moisturize and improve our skin and improve its texture. Eating green apples everyday can boost the appearance and texture of your skin. You can also use a face mask of green apples to help rejuvenate our skin. You can take the help of green apple juice to improve the hydration levels of your skin.to prevent your skin from drying you can consumed it or even used as a face wash. Green apple helps in preventing many skin ailments.

26) Green apple Moisturizes and nourishes your skin Green apple helps in maintaining the skin health and has great whitening and nourishing effects on our complexion. Green apple Juice are packed with vitamins and minerals you can consumed this drink into your skin care regimen. The collagen and elastin proteins gives a boost to your skin which in turn improves your texture by nourishing and healing the skin from deep within. Intake of green apple juice can keep our skin from drying out and keep it hydrated. It is a common ingredient in beauty products nowadays.

27) Green apple prevents you from skin diseases Diet plays an important role in your overall health whether it hair teeth hand etc. Most of the times we lack of nourishment and thus leaves the skin at the risk of various skin disorders, including eczema and cancer. Green apple make sure that the skin also gets its necessary levels of nourishment. It also protect you from various skin issues

28) Green apple keeps pimples and acne away Green apple is a highly effective for anti­acne treatment as well. Regular consumption of green apple help you to control and prevent pimple eruptions.

29) Natural remedy for dark circles Dark circles are dark blemishes seen around the eyes. They are known as dark circles. This is a common problem for both men and women. Dark circles are also also found in children. When people grow older their skin becomes thinner. Due to the loss of collagens The elasticity of the skin is lost. This makes the area of the skin appear darker as the blood vessels beneath the eyes become more visible.

Stress and fatigue worsen the dark circles. Fluid imbalance causes puffy or swollen eyes which make the area under the eyes appear darker. trauma causing black eye can darken the entire area around the eyes. Green apple juice is very effective for the removing the dark brown circles around your eyes and keeps your eyes refreshed.

The potassium, Vitamins B and Vitamins C present in the apple will also help in toning the skin and give nourishment to the skin under your eyes.

Source: pocketnewsalert

10 Beauty Uses of Coconut Water For Beautiful Skin And Hair

Drinking coconut water can give you a number of beauty benefits for skin and hair. You can also make use of coconut water in beauty face and hair masks to get beautiful and healthy skin. Here are discussed ten tips to take advantage of this pure and natural water.

Who doesn’t know the benefits of coconut oil for beauty purposes! Also get familiar with the amazing uses of coconut water on skin and hair. You drink coconut water just thinking of it as a cool summer drink that nature offer. But, you are going to love it even more once you are well aware of its beauty benefits too! Go ahead and read on for the ten most useful benefits of coconut water.

Coconut water for a young and fresh skin

Drinking coconut water sure helps your skin to look younger and fresh by getting it rid of the harmful toxins.

However, just splash some of that water on your face and bring your dull face to life almost instantly. Imagine what regularly applying it on the face would do!

Prevent dry skin with Coconut water

Many of you tend to suffer from dry skin condition time and again irrespective of summer or winter (although winter can be harsh on most!). Try applying cotton balls dipped in coconut water regularly and see the change. It’s the most natural moisturizer nature has to offer. After all, coconut water is the purest liquid on earth after water, isn’t it? Your skin will feel soft and smooth once again and you will stay away from dry skin forever!

Natural skin cleanser and toner

Cleaning the face with coconut water helps get rid of the dirt and impurities that get accumulated every time you go out of the house. It can work as your make up remover as well (You do not need to spend on buying those fancy make up removal products from the market anymore, voila!) Put in a few drops of lemon juice in it and it will help brighten up your skin and hydrate it beautifully too.

Fights skin infections

Some of you might have faced skin infections especially during the monsoons or in a humid climate. Instead of running to the nearest medical store, first try applying coconut water on the skin or another great idea would be to mix it in your bathing water for a few days daily. The anti-fungal and anti-viral properties of coconut water helps in the healing process to a great extent.

Drink coconut water to enjoy age defying properties

Who wants to look older than their actual age or for that matter why not aim to have a skin of a 25 year old when you actually are 40 years old! Wow, wouldn’t that be something to strive for! And no, you do not need to buy and try 10 different types of the so called ‘anti-ageing’ cosmetic products available in the market. These are not only heavy on your pocket, but in the long run those chemicals do no good to your skin. It’s simple – just drink coconut water (tastes yummy too!) regularly and wash your face with it as well.

Useful in removing sun tan

Haven’t yet found a natural remedy for removing that tan you get at the beach every time you go? Well, a simple home remedy is here to your rescue. Cost and time effective both at the same time. Just mix up coconut water and fuller’s earth, and apply to the sun tan area. It will vanish in no time with routine application. This is one of the best uses of coconut water for skin care.

Prevents acne, blemishes, wrinkles

Simply dabbing some coconut water on the scars left behind by acne/pimples before you go to bed helps lighten them up faster than you can imagine. It has similar effects on dark spots/blemishes. Wrinkles can also be reduced to a certain extent by regular application of coconut water.

Beneficial for oily skin

Coconut water helps improve your skin tone, if you have an oily skin. It helps get rid of the excess oils and gives a natural shine to your face that will make heads turn!

Easy solution for frizzy and unmanageable hair

Benefits of this wonderful fruit is not only limited to your skin, but coconut water can do wonders to your hair too! Simply massage your hair with it and get smooth silky hair. If you have a persistent problem of brittle hair or hair loss, it will help prevent that too as coconut water is very good conditioning properties which in the long run increases the average health and life of your hair.

Coconut water prevents itchy scalp and dandruff

As it helps get rid of skin infections (discussed above already), due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it definitely has positive results on dry itchy scalps. Also, dandruff are so common in the winter, applying coconut water on the scalp could be your solution, in the most natural way possible!

No wonder so many cosmetic products use coconut as a key ingredient. But why buy those chemically packed products when you have the option of using coconut water in its most natural form. It is so readily available and very easy to apply – no mess at all. So, cheers to drinking and applying lots of this natural drink and reaping its benefits for a healthy skin and healthy you!

Source: lookgood expertscolumn

Olive Oil for Skin, Hair, Face and Nails

One of the favorite natural beauty products of the beauty queen Cleopatra was the Extra Virgin Olive Oil (hereinafter referred to as Olive Oil). Over the last decade, many beauticians are advocating the use of olive oil due to its many beauty benefits, but the fact is that this natural ingredient has been used on the body since centuries. It was commonly used in Egypt as a cosmetic, is still going strong and is being used in cosmetic industry even now.

Olive oil is packed with vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids. Even, it can be used on sensitive skin. Olive oil is a potent natural ingredient in anti-aging skin care beauty products. Due to its high level antioxidant contents, it prevents skin aging and occurrence of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. In nutshell it can guard, nourish and rejuvenate your skin.

Olive oil contains vitamins E and A that helps in elongating your youth, hydrating skin and sustaining skin’s elasticity and softness. Moreover, it helps to regenerate skin cells. The list of beauty benefits of olive oil on skin, hair, face, nails and body is very long that makes it a superb natural beauty product for hair, skin, nails and face.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Skin Benefits – How To Use Olive Oil For Skin?

Is Olive Oil Good For Skin? The answer is a big yes!! Olive oil’s chemical structure is more close to the skin’s natural oil as compared to that of any other natural oil, making olive oil good for skin.

Olive Oil Bath: Do you know beauty secret of Sophia Loren, the Italian gorgeous actress – she loved taking olive oil bath.

(i) Resham-E-Zulf The simplest way to prepare olive oil bath is just to add 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your bathtub and it’s done! If you like, you may add more. This is a simple beauty trick to make your skin soft and smooth.

(ii) Another simple way to have olive oil on skin is that you just massage your body with extra virgin oil before taking bath. After you are through with your bath, pat dry your skin and wipe away the excess oil. Wow!! You will feel your skin as incredibly soft and smooth, just like a baby-skin.

Olive Oil Body Lotion: Try olive oil as a body lotion. It’s all natural and wonderfully very effective. Apply it all over your body, while in the shower, right after you use the shower gel. You will feel your skin amazingly soft and smooth. This is another simple way to make your skin look perfect, healthy and tender to touch.

Olive Oil – A Natural Makeup Remover: It serves dual purpose. While gently removing makeup, it nourishes your skin as well. Just put a dab of olive oil on a cotton ball or pad, and gently wipe out all the makeup from your face. If you want to remove heavy makeup, first massage gently olive oil all over your face, and then wipe away all the makeup with a soft washcloth soaked with warm water. If needed, repeat it a couple of times and make it sure to do it gently – never rub your skin harshly. Rinse your face with warm water followed by a splash with cold water. Cold water will not only close your skin pores, but stimulate the blood circulation as well.

Source: naturalbeautytips

Beauty Benefits of Jasmine for your Hair, Skin and Body

Flowers of jasmine smell wonderful and women often adorn their hair with it to not just look but also smell beautiful. But did you know it can enhance your beauty in several other ways? Here are a few of them.

Keeps your skin supple

Jasmine has properties that can keep your skin moisturised for a long time. Though it may not be possible by using jasmine flowers directly on the skin, you can use creams or lotions that have jasmine extracts in them.

Amla Hair oil

Jasmine oil has properties to calm your nerves and relax you. Since it is an essential oil, you need to combine it with carrier oil like coconut. It is used as for aromatherapy in many spas due to these properties. Simply mix a few drops of it with another oil and then massage it on your body. Here are some essential oils for glowing skin.

Keeps scalp healthy

Jasmine has antimicrobial properties that make it a great oil to keep your scalp free from infections. Add it to almond or coconut oil and then massage your scalp with it. Wash off your hair with a herbal shampoo after a few hours. Make sure you use it weekly once to see results.

Keeps body odour at bay

If you are looking for a natural way to banish body odour, use jasmine. You can make your own spray with jasmine essential oil. Take a spray bottle and add water in it. Now add 1 tbsp of jasmine oil and shake well. Spray it in your armpits and say goodbye to body odour. You can add another tablespoon of jasmine oil if the fragrance isn’t strong enough for your liking. Here are more ways to beat body odour.

Conditions your hair

If you want to condition your hair in a natural way, take a last rinse of jasmine. First, soak jasmine flowers in hot water for a few hours. Let the water cool down to room temperature. After you wash your hair, simply take a last rinse with this water. Do not wash it off again with water. This is a mild conditioner. If you have frizzy hair, you can add a few drops of jasmine oil to it. Here are some more natural conditioners.

Source: thehealthsite